
I'm A Hufflepuff

As many of you may now know, I’m a HUGE Harry Potter fan. I was most definitely one of those people waiting in line at midnight for the books, and movies to come out. I would drag Doug to the midnight releases, and even though he thought getting a book at midnight was completely pointless, he would go, not exactly thrilled about it, but trying to be supportive of my obsession! Now looking back, he actually was 100% right! Getting a book at midnight is kind of pointless. The most I ever read after getting it was a few chapters, I was always way too tired. But there was never any reasoning with me, I had my mind made up, and Doug knew what that meant! LOL!

As the years went on, my Harry Potter obsession did not diminish! I couldn’t believe how each book was better than the last and the same had to be said for the movies too! I still haven’t got Doug to read any of the books, though he claims one day he will, but he was always a champ at taking me to the movies. I think I felt like a lot of Harry Potter fans, excited to see the last movie, but sad to think there wouldn’t be anymore!

Well, to further my passion/obsession with Harry Potter, I decided it was time once and fore all that I take the challenge. I had to get sorted by the Sorting Hat! I signed up for the account on Pottermore and took the challenge head-on, of course determined to find out I was a Gryffindor! I must say the process was a little more intense than I had thought. I had taken the quizzes online before and always came back as Hufflepuff! Let me assure you, Hufflepuff was not what I was looking for, but I always told myself that since it wasn’t the “official,” test it didn’t really count! So here I was about to undergo the official test, no more excuses I was either a Hufflepuff or a Gryffindor!

Before you answer any question, J.K. has a video on the site, warning you how the Sorting Hat’s decision is final, so answer truthfully! It was at this point that I actually go nervous! I so wanted the Lion to pop up! I mean, I am a Leo, so I thought being a Gryffindor just has to go hand in hand! Well, question after question came and I answered honestly and rapidly, fingers crossed hoping to get the result I wanted! So it was just then that the hat sorted me and I found out that…………………I’M A GRYFFINDOR!!!!!!

Lots of Love,

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